Spark Accumulator

1 minute read


A few days ago I conducted a little experiment on Spark’s RDD operations. One of them was foreach operation (included as an action). Simply, this operation is applied to each rows in the RDD and the kind of operation applied is specified via a certain function. Here’s a simple example:

    [1] info = {
    [2]     'total_point': 0
    [3] }
    [5] def fn(rdd_row):
    [6]     global info
    [7]     if rdd_row['score'] <= 50:
    [8]         info['total_point'] += 10
    [9]     else:
    [10]        info['total_point'] += 50
    [12] fore = my_rdd.foreach(fn)
    [14] print(info)

Simple, isn’t it? Well, the problem was the value of info[‘total_point’] after executing foreach was still 0.

I browsed the internet and found that the primary problem was related to task’s closure. Basically, the final value of total_point was still zero because each executor only referred to the copies of info variable. Since the variables were only copies, the executors didn’t really update the value of the info resided within the driver node. You can find more details here.

The solution was pretty simple. I used what is called with Accumulator. It ensures well-defined behavior in such an operation scenario. You can find more details about Accumulator here.

Oh ya, here’s the updated version of the previous code snippet:

    [1] info = {
    [2]     'total_point': sc.accumulator(0)    # 'sc' is our Spark Context
    [3] }
    [5] def fn(rdd_row):
    [6]     if rdd_row['score'] <= 50:
    [7]         info['total_point'].add(10)
    [8]     else:
    [9]         info['total_point'].add(50)
    [11] fore = my_rdd.foreach(fn)
    [13] print(info)

Problem solved.

Well, I think I’d love to take a deeper dive into this Accumulator topic in the future.

Thanks for reading.