Drawing ROC Curve Without Applying the Formulas

6 minute read


One of the evaluation metrics that is often optimised is ROC-AUC. In this post, we’re going to discuss how an ROC curve is created.

The required information are the true label and prediction probability for the positive class. So let’s take a look at the following example.

Label	| Probability
1	|	0.75
1	|	0.9
0	|	0.85
0	|	0.95
0	|	0.55
1	|	0.98
1	|	0.97

Here’s the basic way on how the ROC curve is created.

(A) Sort the instances based on the prediction probability (descending order). The following is the new dataframe after being sorted.

Label	| Probability
1	|	0.98
1	|	0.97
0	|	0.95
1	|	0.9
0	|	0.85
1	|	0.75
0	|	0.55

(B) Consider the prediction probability from each row as the threshold. In other words, predict all instances whose probability >= threshold as positive class. The remaining rows are predicted as negative class.

For the sake of clarity, let’s take a look at how this rule applies on the previous dataframe.

Trial A

Label	|	Probability	|	Label Hat
1	|	0.98 (threshold)|	1
1	|	0.97		|	0
0	|	0.95		|	0
1	|	0.9		|	0
0	|	0.85		|	0
1	|	0.75		|	0
0	|	0.55		|	0

Trial B

Label	|	Probability	|	Label Hat
1	|	0.98		|	1
1	|	0.97 (threshold)|	1
0	|	0.95		|	0
1	|	0.9		|	0
0	|	0.85		|	0
1	|	0.75		|	0
0	|	0.55		|	0

Trial C

Label	|	Probability	|	Label Hat
1	|	0.98		|	1
1	|	0.97            |	1
0	|	0.95 (threshold)|	1
1	|	0.9		|	0
0	|	0.85		|	0
1	|	0.75		|	0
0	|	0.55		|	0

Trial D

Label	|	Probability	|	Label Hat
1	|	0.98		|	1
1	|	0.97            |       1
0	|	0.95		|       1
1	|	0.9 (threshold) |       1
0	|	0.85		|	0
1	|	0.75		|	0
0	|	0.55		|	0

Trial E

Label	|	Probability	|	Label Hat
1	|	0.98		|	1
1	|	0.97            |	1
0	|	0.95            |	1
1	|	0.9		|	1
0	|	0.85 (threshold)|	1
1	|	0.75		|	0
0	|	0.55		|	0

Trial F

Label	|	Probability	|	Label Hat
1	|	0.98		|	1
1	|	0.97            |	1
0	|	0.95            |	1
1	|	0.9		|	1
0	|	0.85            |	1
1	|	0.75 (threshold)|	1
0	|	0.55		|	0

Trial G

Label	|	Probability	|	Label Hat
1	|	0.98		|	1
1	|	0.97            |	1
0	|	0.95            |	1
1	|	0.9		|	1
0	|	0.85            |	1
1	|	0.75		|	1
0	|	0.55 (threshold)|	1

(C) Draw the ROC curve.

To draw the curve, we need to know the TPR and FPR. In the ROC curve, TPR acts as the y-axis, while FPR acts as the x-axis.

For TPR, we partition the y-axis into N ranges. In this case, N denotes the number of positive class (in label). Since in this case we have 4 positive classes, the ranges would be computed as the following.

Scale of the ranges: 1 / 4 = 0.25

Range A: 0.0 - 0.25
Range B: 0.25 - 0.5
Range C: 0.5 - 0.75
Range D: 0.75 - 1.0

We perform the same approach for the x-axis (FPR). Since in this example we have 3 negative classes, we would then have 3 ranges with the following ranges calculation.

Scale of the ranges: 1 / 3 = 0.33

Range A: 0.0 - 0.33
Range B: 0.33 - 0.66
Range C: 0.66 - 0.99

The above ranges information will be combined with the previous sliding threshold results. Here’s what I mean precisely.

For each TP, draw a vertical line (y-axis) that covers a single range.
For each FP, draw a horizontal line (x-axis) that covers a single range.

We, off course, start from Trial A. Let’s take a look at what this statement actually means.

Trial A - We got 1 TP & 0 FP - Draw a vertical line (0.0 to 0.25)

Trial B - We got 2 TP & 0 FP - Draw a vertical line (0.25 to 0.5)

Trial C - We got 2 TP & 1 FP - Draw a horizontal line (0.0 to 0.33)

Trial D - We got 3 TP & 1 FP - Draw a vertical line (0.5 to 0.75)

Trial E - We got 3 TP & 2 FP - Draw a horizontal line (0.33 to 0.66)

Trial F - We got 4 TP & 2 FP - Draw a vertical line (0.75 to 1.0)

Trial G - We got 4 TP & 3 FP - Draw a horizontal line (0.66 to 1.0)

Finally, here’s the final ROC curve.

1.00          -------
0.75    ------
0.5 ----
0.0   0.33  0.66  0.99

=== === ===

Easy, heh?

It’s not surprising that the following example (different from the previous one) gives the best ROC curve.

Label	|	Probability
1	|	0.98
1	|	0.97
1	|	0.95
0	|	0.5
0	|	0.4
0	|	0.3

Applying the sliding threshold like the preceding example yields the following results.

Threshold 0.98 - 1 TP & 0 FP
Threshold 0.97 - 2 TP & 0 FP
Threshold 0.95 - 3 TP & 0 FP
Threshold 0.5 - 3 TP & 1 FP
Threshold 0.4 - 3 TP & 2 FP
Threshold 0.3 - 3 TP & 3 FP

Here’s the generated ROC curve.

1.00 --------------------
0.0   0.33    0.66    0.99

=== === ===

Thank you for reading.