Moment Generating Function

2 minute read


As the name suggests, moment generating function (MGF) provides a function that generates moments, such as E[X], E[X^2], E[X^3], and so forth.

MGF formula is given by the following.

MGFx(t) = E[e^(t.X)] where X is a random variable

Since E[e^(t.X)] simply means (e^(t.x1)) . P(x1) + (e^(t.x2)) . P(x2) + (e^(t.x3)) . P(x3) + ... + (e^(t.xn)) . P(xn), we can generate the respective formula for discrete and continuous random variable, such as the following.

Discrete RV

MGFx(t) = SUM(i=1 to n) (e^(t.xi)) . P(xi)

Continuous RV

MGFx(t) = INTEGRAL(-inf to inf) (e^(t.x)) . PDF(x) dx

After performing the above MGFx(t) calculation, we can generate the moments by taking its derivative with respect to t and evaluated at t = 0 like the following.

MGFx’(t) evaluated at t = 0 => E[X]
MGFx’’(t) evaluated at t = 0 => E[X^2]
MGFx’’’(t) evaluated at t = 0 => E[X^3]


We’re gonna prove that taking the n-th derivative of the MGF (respect to t and evaluated at t = 0) results in E[X^n].

Recall that the Taylor series of exponential function is given below.

e^x = SUM(n = 0 to inf) (x^n) / n! = 1 + x + (x^2) / 2! + (x^3) / 3! + ...

Applying the above Taylor series to e^(t.X) yields the following.

e^(t.X) = [1 + t.X + ((tX)^2) / 2! + ((tX)^3) / 3! + ...]

Taking the expected value of the above.

E[e^(t.X)] = E[1 + t.X + ((tX)^2) / 2! + ((tX)^3) / 3! + ...]

E[e^(t.X)] = 1 + t . E[X] + (t^2 / 2!) . E[X^2] + (t^3 / 3!) . E[X^3] + ...

We already have the MGF represented in the Taylor series of e^(t.X).

Take a look at what happens when we take the derivatives with respect to t.

1st derivative

MGFx’(t) = E[X] + 2 . t / 2! . E[X^2] + 3 . t^2 / 3! . E[X^3] + ...

Evaluating the above at t = 0 yields the following.

MGFx’(0) = E[X]

2nd derivative

MGFx’’(t) = 2 / 2! . E[X^2] + 3 . 2 . t / 3! . E[X^3] + ...

Evaluating the above at t = 0 yields the following.

MGFx’’(0) = E[X^2]

3rd derivative

MGFx’’’(t) = 3 . 2 / 3! . E[X^3] + ...

Evaluating the above at t = 0 yields the following.

MGFx’’’(0) = E[X^3]

n-th derivative

MGFx^n(t) = n . (n-1) . (n-2) ... 1 / n! . E[X^n] + ...

Evaluating the above at t = 0 yields the following.

MGFx^n(0) = E[X^n]

Final Note

For centralized moment, such as E[X-mu], E[(X-mu)^2], E[(X-mu)^3] and so on, we can just replace the X in the MGF formula with X-mu, such as E[e^(t.(X-mu))]. The rests should be the same.