Gradient Boosting Algorithm for Regression Problem

7 minute read


In this post, we’re going to look at how Gradient Boosting algorithm works in a regression problem.

Gradient Boosting is one of the boosting types along with Adaptive Boosting and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost).

The followings are the inputs required before applying the algorithm.

  • training data
  • differentiable loss function L(y, F(x)) where y is the actual value and F(x) is the prediction value
  • number of trees (M)

For the sake of clarity, let’s use the following example instances as our training data (y is the dependent variable).

A  | B  | C  | y
A1 | B1 | C1 | 50
A2 | B2 | C2 | 70
A3 | B3 | C3 | 30

Let’s execute the algorithm.

Initialize model with a constant value

As the very first step, we build a simple model that just returns a constant value C. This C is the prediction value where the loss function is minimum.

Formally, we’d like to solve for the following optimization problem.

F0(x) = argmin(C) SUM(i=1 to n) L(yi, C)

Let’s perform this step on our training data.

Know that the loss function for an instance is defined as L(yi, F(xi)) = 0.5 * (yi - F(xi))^2. Or in other words, the sum of our loss function becomes the following.

sum_loss_func = L(y1, F(x1)) + L(y2, F(x2)) + L(y3, F(x3))
sum_loss_func = 0.5 * (y1 - F(x1))^2 + 0.5 * (y2 - F(x2))^2 + 0.5 * (y3 - F(x3))^2

Since the prediction values are the same over the train data, we can replace F(x1), F(x2), F(x3) to a constant of C. Plugging in the actual value to the above equation becomes the following.

sum_loss_func = 0.5 * (50 - C)^2 + 0.5 * (70 - C)^2 + 0.5 * (30 - C)^2

And solve for the optimization problem can be performed by taking the first derivative of sum_loss_func with respect to C and assign the equation to zero, such as the following.

sum_loss_func = 0.5 * (50 - C)^2 + 0.5 * (70 - C)^2 + 0.5 * (30 - C)^2

d(sum_loss_function) = -(50 - C) - (70 - C) - (30 - C) = -150 + 3C

Assigning the result to zero yields 200 = 3C where C = 150 / 3 = 50.

Our initial model is constructed so that it always return 50 for every data point.

Construct the decision tree regressor

In this step, we iterate M times (number of decision tree specified before) and perform the following actions.

a) Compute so-called pseudo-residuals

For each instance in the training data, we compute the following.

residual_i_m = - [ dL(yi, F(xi)) / dF(xi) ] where F(x) = Fm-1(x) for i = 1, ..., n

If we take a look at the above residual_i_m, it’s simply the difference between the actual and the predicted value. Here’s how we’d derive it.

Know that L(y, F(x)) = 0.5 * (y - F(x))^2.

Taking the derivative of the loss function with respect to F(x) yields dL(y, F(x)) / dF(x) = -(y - F(x)).

Moving the minus sign to the LHS yields -dL(y, F(x)) / dF(x) = y - F(x).

Or to be more specific, we'll finally have -dL(y, Fm-1(x)) / dFm-1(x) = y - Fm-1(x).

The last line of the above snippet concludes that residual_i_m is the same as yi - Fm-1(xi) for an instance i.

Applying this step to our train data will yield the following result. In the below table, residual_1 means the error values for the first tree regressor.

A  | B  | C  | y  | F0(x) | residual_1
A1 | B1 | C1 | 50 | 50    |    0
A2 | B2 | C2 | 70 | 50    |    20
A3 | B3 | C3 | 30 | 50    |    -20

b) Fit a base learner to pseudo-residuals

In this step, we train a weak model (decision tree regressor) on the training data where residual_i_m becomes the dependent variable.

Let’s call the model h_m(x).

For instance, let’s apply our h_m(x) to our previously training data. In this case, h_m(x) becomes h_1(x) since it’s our first weak model.

Note that the values of h_1(x) are dummy values.

A  | B  | C  | y  | F0(x) | residual_1 | h_1(x)
A1 | B1 | C1 | 50 | 50    |    0       |  0.5
A2 | B2 | C2 | 70 | 50    |    20      |  18
A3 | B3 | C3 | 30 | 50    |    -20     |  -18

c) Compute multiplier for the weak model

In this step, we solve the following optimization problem. We’d like to find the multiplier (gamma) that minimizes the sum of loss functions.

gamma_min = argmin(gamma) SUM(i=1 to n) L(yi, Fm-1(xi) + gamma * h_m(xi))

Let’s apply this step on our training data (the one with h_m(x) column).

sum_loss_func = L(y1, F0(x1) + gamma * h_1(x1)) + L(y2, F0(x2) + gamma * h_1(x2)) + L(y3, F0(x3) + gamma * h_1(x3))

sum_loss_func = 0.5 * (y1 - (F0(x1) + gamma * h_1(x1)))^2 \
                + 0.5 * (y2 - (F0(x2) + gamma * h_1(x2)))^2 \
                + 0.5 * (y3 - (F0(x3) + gamma * h_1(x3)))^2
sum_loss_func = 0.5 * (50 - (50 + gamma*0.5))^2 \
                + 0.5 * (70 - (50 + gamma*18))^2 \
                + 0.5 * (30 - (50 + gamma*(-18)))^2
sum_loss_func = 0.5 * (-gamma*0.5))^2 \
                + 0.5 * (20 + gamma*18)^2 \
                + 0.5 * (-20 + gamma*(-18))^2

Afterwards, let’s take the first derivative of sum_loss_func with respect to gamma and set the equation to zero.

d(sum_loss_func) = (-gamma*0.5))*(-0.5) + (20 + gamma*18)*(18) + (-20 + gamma*(-18))*(-18)
d(sum_loss_func) = gamma*0.25 + 360 + gamma*324 + 360 + gamma*(324)
d(sum_loss_func) = gamma*648.25 + 720
Setting the above to zero yields -720 = 648.25*gamma, therefore gamma = -1.11

From the above calculation, we get gamma_min equals to -1.11.

d) Update the model

In this step, we calculate the following.

Fm(x) = Fm-1(x) + gamma_min * h_m(x)

Applying the above formula to our training data, we’ll calculate F1(x) = F0(x) + gamma_min * h_1(x) and get the following.

A  | B  | C  | y  | F0(x) | residual_1 | h_1(x) |        F1(x)
A1 | B1 | C1 | 50 | 50    |    0       |  0.5   | 50 + (-1.11) * 0.5
A2 | B2 | C2 | 70 | 50    |    20      |  18    | 50 + (-1.11) * 18
A3 | B3 | C3 | 30 | 50    |    -20     |  -18   | 50 + (-1.11) * (-18)

e) Iterate process a) to d) until M base learners are constructed

Output the final model

After constructing M base learners for pseudo-residuals, we finally come up with our final model, that is FM(x).